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Css Tagged Blog Posts
CSS to Turn Off Min-Height
Posted on 07/09/2013 at 10:03 am | Viewed 11,868 times | 0 comments
I needed to turn off min-height in css. I can't believe it's been this long and I've never had to do it. In case you are wondering:
How to turn off min-height in CSS
min-height: inherit;
Best Way To Get Transparent PNGs Without Any Hacks
Posted on 10/21/2012 at 10:27 am | Viewed 14,240 times | 0 comments
I avoided PNG images for quite a while, mainly because I could accomplish almost every task with transparent GIFs (if not, I could change the design ever so slightly). Fast forward a few years and web designs are far too complex and textured to only use transparent GIFs, plus it's so much cooler to say "ping" than "gif". Another reason I avoided using transparent PNGs was due to the ability to make IE (Internet Explorer) crash (suprise!). Finally, I avoided using PNG images on my website because their filesize was ridiculous (what I could do in 10kb using a Gif, would take 71kb as a PNG).
Read: Best Way To Get Transparent PNGs Without Any Hacks | View: Comments
Best CSS Method for Using Image as Submit Button
Posted on 02/03/2010 at 12:17 pm | Viewed 21,746 times | 2 comments
I came across an interesting issue with web forms and CSS. Surprisingly, the end result is much better than I expected. I knew that using an image instead of a traditional form submit button (<input type="submit">; instead of <input type="image"> or <input type="button">) would be a little challenging. I like a challenge, plus I wanted to use the submit button because it's the standard approach to forms and I remember reading somewhere that input's of type image or button do not submit when you press enter...a usability faux paus in my opionion.
Read: Best CSS Method for Using Image as Submit Button | View: Comments
CSS Min-Height Hack in Internet Explorer
Posted on 12/15/2009 at 10:18 am | Viewed 14,587 times | 0 comments
Another day of web developing with CSS and another day of needing a hack for IE6 and IE7. This isn't really a hack so much as it's a method of ordering statements in your CSS declaration that yields a working min-height declaration in Internet Explorer. Well, I guess it's a hack (but I hate using them).
CSS min-height will be used in browsers that support it
Read: CSS Min-Height Hack in Internet Explorer | View: Comments
Jquery Accordion Menu - Expanding UL Menu
Posted on 11/17/2009 at 01:25 pm | Viewed 33,505 times | 0 comments
I looked around and found some interesting examples and existing plugins for creating an accordion menu in Jquery. What I was looking for was a nested unordered list (UL) that would collapse and expand based on which menu item was clicked. If there wasn't a child UL, then the menu link should be clickable, instead of an accordion. Sounds simple right?
Read: Jquery Accordion Menu - Expanding UL Menu | View: Comments
What is the Difference Between Oblique and Italic in CSS?
Posted on 11/12/2009 at 09:34 am | Viewed 16,470 times | 0 comments
This answer was located at on 11/12/09. Answers written by johnl.
I was reading up on the CSS font-style property, making sure the default value was normal. In case you are wondering, the default font-style value is normal. What struck me was a new value I've never used before: oblique. Now I'm curious... what's the difference between oblique and italic as it pertains to CSS fonts?
Read: What is the Difference Between Oblique and Italic in CSS? | View: Comments
Auto Columns with Columnizer - My New Favorite Jquery Plugin
Posted on 09/30/2009 at 10:37 am | Viewed 22,169 times | 2 comments
I was about to start coding a CakePHP helper that would analyze a bulleted list and split it into columns. Starting to think about how I would approach this problem, my head began to hurt. Then I found an awesome jQuery plugin- columnizer.
Read: Auto Columns with Columnizer - My New Favorite Jquery Plugin | View: Comments
CSS Small-Caps Working in IE Not in Firefox
Posted on 09/24/2009 at 11:03 am | Viewed 15,421 times | 0 comments
Another IE/FF Inconsistancy?
I thought I had ran into an interesting (and new) CSS bug. I was using Trebuchet MS as my font for my H2s. It was rendering perfect in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox. In Firefox, all caps. In IE, small-caps. What gives?
Small-caps only working in Internet Explorer?
Read: CSS Small-Caps Working in IE Not in Firefox | View: Comments
Phantom Whitespace Below Img in Firefox
Posted on 07/22/2009 at 10:24 am | Viewed 12,973 times | 0 comments
I've come across this thing a few times before- there's a strange space below images in Firefox, but not in IE. I finally found a nice explanation as to why it happens, which I wanted to post here.
Images are displayed inline by default. When you are using an image as a block (like when you want an image to take up the entire top half of a page) you'll get some mysterious white space below the image, but only in Firefox. For once, IE actually seems to render the CSS appropriately.
Read: Phantom Whitespace Below Img in Firefox | View: Comments
Faking min-width CSS style in IE6 and IE7
Posted on 07/16/2009 at 01:50 pm | Viewed 13,173 times | 0 comments
It's a hack... but it's needed to make a truly cross-browser fluid layout. It's simple, if you want to implement min-width in IE6 and IE7, use the following CSS code: (I didn't create this originally, sorry, lost the source)
/********************* ** IE 6.0 min-width hack ********************/ * html div#contentWrap { width:expression(((document.compatMode && document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth) < 1000 ? "840px" : "85%"); }
Read: Faking min-width CSS style in IE6 and IE7 | View: Comments
Displaying phpinfo() without CSS styles
Posted on 06/09/2009 at 10:18 am | Viewed 23,604 times | 1 comment
I wanted logged in users to be able to see the output from phpinfo(); within Site Avenger. The problem with using phpinfo() is that it outputs a full HTML page, CSS styles and all. In the past this has been fine, but now I wanted to show the phpinfo() within the Site Avenger layout and CSS styles. I came across a simple, yet highly effective solution...
Read: Displaying phpinfo() without CSS styles | View: Comments
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