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Export to PDF from Microsoft Publisher
Posted on 03/05/2010 at 10:54 am | Viewed 12,500 times | 0 comments
I have a client that sends me newsletters in Microsoft Publisher format. I wanted to output the newsletter as a PDF, but wanted to keep the text for SEO and so users can copy and paste the text if needed. Microsoft Publisher doesn't have an export to PDF function, so usually I would just do a File > Print and select Adobe PDF as the printer. However, this would just be an "image" of the document, not the actual document with selectable text. This is how you can get a PDF with rendered text out of Microsoft Publisher...
Read: Export to PDF from Microsoft Publisher | View: Comments
Best Tiny Font for Web Graphics
Posted on 04/28/2009 at 05:03 pm | Viewed 14,551 times | 0 comments
I finally found the perfect font for making really small, yet readable text in web graphics. I've played around with plenty of fonts and usually arrive at a reasonable result. In the past I would use Eurostyle with enough spacing to make it legible. Now, I have a new go-to font for small typeface. Introducing Silkscreen.
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