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- (09/10) Fixing Warning: the ECDSA host key for '' differs from the key for the IP addressTAGS:Web Server Admin
- (12/26) CakePHP 3 - Getting List of Column Definitions from a Table (like schema())TAGS:CakephpCake3
- (09/14) Change Order of Loaded Behaviors in CakePHP 3TAGS:Cake3CakephpWeb ProgrammingPhp
- (05/29) CakePHP 3 - Accept JSON Header Only Working When Debug FalseTAGS:Web ProgrammingCakephpCake3
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Lessons Learned: Going to Mobile Website Development
Posted on 07/08/2013 at 12:39 pm | Viewed 18,235 times | 0 comments
I've recently taken the plunge and learned about CSS Media Queries and Responsive Web Design. We launched a new ordering site and made the whole website, including the checkout process, mobile-friendly. It's really opened up my eyes to the possibilities of mobile web design. I started out wondering why responsive web design was all the rage, now I prefer to order and checkout using the new Site Avenger mobile shopping templates. It's pretty easy to retrofit with an existing Site Avenger website and all new E-Commerce websites have the option of being mobile-friendly from the start.
CakePHP 1.3 Improvements Over CakePHP 1.2
Posted on 09/09/2010 at 02:01 pm | Viewed 14,358 times | 0 comments
I've been working on upgrading my CakePHP application to cake version 1.3. It's a lot of work. I find myself constantly consulting the CakePHP manual/book for answers. There are many places to look for all of the improvements that were rolled into CakePHP 1.3 (at least coming from the 1.2 version). For my own reference, I'm creating a list of all of the manual pages that reference improvements, new features and/or different ways of doing things in CakePHP 1.3.
Read: CakePHP 1.3 Improvements Over CakePHP 1.2 | View: Comments
CURL on Windows Doesn't Work in PHP 5.2.14 ISAPI
Posted on 09/07/2010 at 08:17 pm | Viewed 14,041 times | 0 comments
Just a quick post to let everyone know what I just found out- the version of CURL (php_curl.dll) that ships with PHP 5.2.14 for Windows ISAPI doesn't work! That's right- it doesn't work. I tried the MSI PHP installer package, manual installs, moving dll files into Windows and System32 directories all to no avail. The culprit: a bad version of php_curl.dll (at least that's my best guess). The other culprit: using ISAPI, but I don't have time to figure out FastCGI at this point.
Read: CURL on Windows Doesn't Work in PHP 5.2.14 ISAPI | View: Comments
Cool Stuff with CakePHP: Cryptable Behavior
Posted on 11/20/2009 at 11:19 am | Viewed 12,342 times | 0 comments
There is so much cool stuff out there that's already been done with CakePHP. In an attempt to catalog it for my own use later, I'm going to start creating blog posts that highlight cool behaviors, components, etc. for CakePHP. This is the first one.
From the Bakery: "A behavior that will automatically encrypt/decrypt specified fields in a model, using your choice of cipher, key, and IV."
Read: Cool Stuff with CakePHP: Cryptable Behavior | View: Comments
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