
Ie Tagged Blog Posts

Best CSS Method for Using Image as Submit Button

Posted on 02/03/2010 at 12:17 pm | Viewed 21,651 times | 2 comments

I came across an interesting issue with web forms and CSS.  Surprisingly, the end result is much better than I expected.  I knew that using an image instead of a traditional form submit button (<input type="submit">; instead of <input type="image"> or <input type="button">) would be a little challenging.  I like a challenge, plus I wanted to use the submit button because it's the standard approach to forms and I remember reading somewhere that input's of type image or button do not submit when you press enter...a usability faux paus in my opionion.

CSS Min-Height Hack in Internet Explorer

Posted on 12/15/2009 at 10:18 am | Viewed 14,482 times | 0 comments

Another day of web developing with CSS and another day of needing a hack for IE6 and IE7.  This isn't really a hack so much as it's a method of ordering statements in your CSS declaration that yields a working min-height declaration in Internet Explorer.  Well, I guess it's a hack (but I hate using them).

CSS min-height will be used in browsers that support it

CSS Small-Caps Working in IE Not in Firefox

Posted on 09/24/2009 at 11:03 am | Viewed 15,335 times | 0 comments

Another IE/FF Inconsistancy?

I thought I had ran into an interesting (and new) CSS bug.  I was using Trebuchet MS as my font for my H2s.  It was rendering perfect in Internet Explorer but not in Firefox.  In Firefox, all caps.  In IE, small-caps.  What gives?

Small-caps only working in Internet Explorer?

TinyMCE Doesn't Work in IE8

Posted on 07/24/2009 at 11:54 am | Viewed 26,822 times | 4 comments

I was training a client how to update their web site using Site Avenger when the strangest thing happened- no copy was showing in TinyMCE.  No matter what I pasted the tiny editor would remain a nice, plain white.  I didn't think to try typing directly into TinyMCE.  No matter, a click on the HTML button to view the source revealed the content was in fact there, just not being shown within the TinyMCE editor.

Faking min-width CSS style in IE6 and IE7

Posted on 07/16/2009 at 01:50 pm | Viewed 13,096 times | 0 comments

It's a hack... but it's needed to make a truly cross-browser fluid layout.  It's simple, if you want to implement min-width in IE6 and IE7, use the following CSS code: (I didn't create this originally, sorry, lost the source)

**	IE 6.0 min-width hack
* html div#contentWrap {
	width:expression(((document.compatMode && document.compatMode=='CSS1Compat') ? document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body.clientWidth) < 1000 ? "840px" : "85%");

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