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Errors Tagged Blog Posts
Integration of Cakephp Internationalization and GIT
Posted on 12/28/2012 at 12:33 pm | Viewed 21,605 times | 0 comments
We have discovered in a recent implementation of Internationalization that GIT can corrupt the POEdit generated *.po and *.mo files.
Upon committing updated files GIT by default will replace the LF with CRLF in these files. These files cannot be tampered with after generation, even viewing the files with most windows based editor may corrupt them.
Read: Integration of Cakephp Internationalization and GIT | View: Comments
Forcing A Single Join in CakePHP Pagination
Posted on 10/14/2011 at 09:25 am | Viewed 22,893 times | 0 comments
The devil's in the details... I was trying to make a really simple, dreadfully easy, database join in my CakePHP web application. I've forced joins in Cake before, using the 'joins' key in the options array for find calls and paginate calls with no issue. It was late and for the first time I only wanted to use a single join. I copied the join code from a much more complex web app and pasted it into my new 'joins' conditions. And then... I got SQL errors.
Read: Forcing A Single Join in CakePHP Pagination | View: Comments
CakePHP Error Messages Not Showing on Form
Posted on 04/03/2011 at 12:40 pm | Viewed 20,594 times | 2 comments
I ran into an issue today that I've run into before, except I couldn't remember what I did to fix it (hence this article). I was using CakePHP validation rules to validate a user account details. The CakePHP validation was properly failing (the form data wasn't being saved) and I could tell the validate array was set correctly because the required fields were having the class .required added to them. The only problem? No error messages were being output to the form. The form validation would fail, but the CakePHP error messages were not being shown.
Read: CakePHP Error Messages Not Showing on Form | View: Comments
The Funniest Error Message Ever - Thank You Eclipse
Posted on 10/18/2010 at 06:34 pm | Viewed 15,003 times | 0 comments
In a depature from my [normally] on-topic (i.e. dry) posts I had to post this error message up here. It made me laugh! I was working on the fattest CakePHP controller known to man (over 4,000 lines, I know... not skinny) when Eclipse ran into issues. Eclipse gave a very descriptive error message, stating that it couldn't, well see for yourself:
Read: The Funniest Error Message Ever - Thank You Eclipse | View: Comments
Getting a List of Database Tables in CakePHP
Posted on 02/23/2010 at 12:22 pm | Viewed 18,681 times | 1 comment
I ran into an interesting problem today. What I wanted to do was know if a table didn't exist in my CakePHP application. What happens- a cakeError is thrown everytime a database table doesn't exist. This is really annoying...I think it would be beneficial to be able to tell Controller::loadModel() to return false instead of an error message. That's not the case. Here's how I got around it (with thanks to Miles Johnson):
Read: Getting a List of Database Tables in CakePHP | View: Comments
Weird Git Error After Upgrade: Repository not found. Make sure you include the .git
Posted on 02/02/2010 at 08:18 am | Viewed 16,224 times | 0 comments
This isn't a weird error in that I've never seen it (ususally when I forget to load up Pagaent before attempting Github push/pulls). It's weird because everything was working perfectly and then I couldn't do anything from remote! I upgraded msysgit recently and hadn't tried to do any remote commands until yesterday. And I kept getting the following error in Git Gui:
Read: Weird Git Error After Upgrade: Repository not found. Make sure you include the .git | View: Comments
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