
Showing articles 131 - 140 (147 total)

Changing Display Options in Model::find('list')

Posted on 05/19/2009 at 10:49 am | Viewed 14,440 times | 0 comments

I wanted to change the displayed field that Cake automatically returns with a Model::find('list').  If you have a database column named title or name (I'm not sure of the full list), CakePHP will automatically return an array index by =>  This usually works, but today I'm working with a database table that doesn't use that...

Getting the CakePHP Version in Your Code

Posted on 05/14/2009 at 10:57 am | Viewed 18,926 times | 0 comments

I was sick and tired of having to FTP into my accounts and view the VERSION.txt file that comes with the Cake core to figure out what version of Cake I was running.  I did a quick search but wasn't finding anything.  I was about to dig in and hack something together, but tried the CakePHP API as a last resort. Bingo! To find out what CakePHP...

Naming a Text File .htaccess on Windows

Posted on 05/13/2009 at 12:15 pm | Viewed 11,400 times | 0 comments

A big pain- you can't just name a file .htaccess through Windows Explorer.  It complains that you need to supply a name!  No problem. Here's how you can name a file .htaccess (only tested on Notepad, though hopefully it will work on more): Load up your file in Notepad or create a new file in Notepad Add your .htaccess declarations File > Save...

Making Apache Parse .html files as .php Files

Posted on 05/13/2009 at 12:09 pm | Viewed 12,670 times | 0 comments

When re-designing a site, or somehow being locked into a given web site structure that uses .html (or .htm) file extensions, it's a good idea to keep the file names the same (especially if the site has been around a while and has good search engine visibility).  Think you can't use PHP on .html or .htm web pages?  Think again.  With apache it's...

Keep Old Settings When Upgrading Eclipse

Posted on 05/12/2009 at 01:02 pm | Viewed 12,418 times | 0 comments

I decided to upgrade my version of Eclipse to 3.4 (Ganymede) mainly so I could use the Git plugin .  I wanted to migrate my settings from one install to the other.  I know I had done this before, when I upgraded from 3.2 to 3.3, but forgot how.  So I don't have to scratch my head so much next time, here is how you can move your settings...

Avoiding New Line Errors using Git on Windows

Posted on 05/12/2009 at 12:27 pm | Viewed 12,738 times | 0 comments

I'm finally working on moving my code over to a version control system.  I've tried several times over the past few years to start using Subversion, but I never quite got into it.  After hearing so much about Git , I decided I needed to start using it.  Luckily, most people tell you to forget everything about Subversion when using Git- no...

Pagination with MSSQL in CakePHP

Posted on 05/07/2009 at 04:36 pm | Viewed 17,073 times | 0 comments

One thing, and there are a few, that I can't stand about having to use PHP and MSSQL Server together is the lack of support for pagination.  With PHP and MySQL- no problem use limit.  MSSQL- can't do it without all these ugly sub-queries.  I have to give it to the CakePHP developers though, for the built-in support for pagination in MSSQL. ...

From the Hip - Midcoast Maine User Group

Posted on 05/07/2009 at 11:23 am | Viewed 10,548 times | 0 comments

Well, it finally happened! The Midcoast has a web design/interface design user group.  Last night was the first meeting of From the Hip , an informal, agendas-not-allowed, information exchange session.  Some people from Midcoast Magnet helped organize the event, and now the group finally has legs! Want to Get Involved? For more on From...

A tale of caution: naming CakePHP "view" functions

Posted on 05/06/2009 at 05:13 pm | Viewed 14,506 times | 2 comments

Spoiler: functions that generate a view must be named using lower_case_with_underscores() I just ran into a very interesting problem.  I was testing out some of my plugins to make sure they were still working with Cake version  They worked fine except for one function.  I had a form that updates a shopping cart, changing the...

Getting Full Resolution Pictures out of MS Word (almost)

Posted on 04/29/2009 at 11:14 am | Viewed 14,486 times | 1 comment

People use what they know.  Most of the time I get photos embedded in an MS Word document for use on a web site.  My workaround to date has been to enlarge the picture (in Word) until it is as big as it gets (keeping quality) or the size I need.  I would then do a print screen and paste into Photoshop.  I knew that there had to be a better way,...

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