Lincolnville, Maine - July 4, 2009

Posted on 08/27/2009 at 12:09 pm | Viewed 9,175 times

Kaela and I took the ferry over to Islesboro to hang out for the July 4th Weekend. Traffic actually wasn't bad for once, so we had some time to explore while waiting for the Ferry to Islesboro.

Introducing Diesel the Dog

Making his first appearance on the web, meet our dog Diesel. He ALWAYS wants to play fetch.

Lonely boat in Penobscot Bay

Taken from the Isleboro ferry terminal parking lot. You can see the ferry and the island in the background.

Diesel Asking Politely

Diesel thinking the beach would be a good spot to play fetch.

Rockscape on the Beach

Half of the beach is sandy, the other half is filled with rocks.

Rockscape on the Beach II

Some really interesting rocks if you look close enough.

Boats moored at Lincolnville

The water was so calm. The Lincolnville fishing fleet at anchor.

Isleboro Ferry Terminal

The Isleboro Ferry Terminal (for now). It's getting replaced in October 2009 by Cianbro.

Creative Planter

A good use for an old dinghy in Lincolnville Beach.

Lincolnville Public Beach

This is Lincolnville Public Beach. I think it's like one of the only sand beaches in Midcoast Maine.

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