
Speeding Up Windows 8 for Web Development (using WAMP)

Posted on 02/25/2013 at 01:33 pm by Kevin Wentworth
Viewed 48,630 times | 0 comments

Here is my list of optimizations and changes you can make (and I've had to make) in order to get WAMP (and CakePHP) to run faster on my Windows 8 computer.

Speed Up WAMP Web Development on Windows 8

The short list, in order of importance (stop once you are happy with your localhost web server response time and speed):

  • Get the latest version of WAMP.
    Start by downloading the latest wamp.  I used the 64 bit version.  Download WAMP here.

  • Edit your hosts file.
    Make sure it has the proper entries, and most importantly, remove the IPv6 localhost setting.  Your Windows 8 hosts file should look like this:          localhost
    #    ::1             localhost

  • Disable IP v6
    A great tutorial can be found here.  My advice is to disable IPv6 BOTH ways- via the network adapter and via the regedit hack.

  • Edit Apahce httpd.conf
    These tweaks are supposed to speed up the lstat() system calls when reading files/scanning directories.  They are:

    EnableMMAP On
    EnableSendfile On

  • Edit PHP.ini
    Increase the real path cache size.  This helps when you have lots of files involved.

    ; Determines the size of the realpath cache to be used by PHP. This value should
    ; be increased on systems where PHP opens many files to reflect the quantity of
    ; the file operations performed.
    realpath_cache_size = 24M

  • CakePHP: make sure debug is off.

How did you speed up WAMP on your Windows 8 computer?

Did any of these optimizations work for you?  Disabling IPv6 was the most significant perfomance gain on my local apache server.  What worked for you?

-Kevin Wentworth

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Cakephp | Apache | Web Programming | Web Server Admin | Windows | Php | Software | Upgrade | Database

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