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Faking Symlinks on Windows 2003
Posted on 09/17/2009 at 04:25 pm by Kevin Wentworth
Viewed 17,578 times | 0 comments
My production server is a LAMP server. I love it. I have one cental location for my CakePHP application and symlink the folders I need to each individual hosting account. It's pretty easy to do and very powerful. I work on another server that is Windows 2003. Everytime I sit down to do work, I bemoan not having the ability to create symlinks. Turns out there is a way...
Junction Links are essentially Symlinks in Windows
Sweet! I don't care what a symlink is called on Windows, but it's called a Junction Link and I want one. There's no built in GUI support for junction links, but I found this great program.
Here's the steps I took to make a symlink on Windows 2003:
- Download and Install Junction Link Magic
- You will need to have an empty folder that will mirror the contents of the source folder
- Open the application...
- Junction Link is the empty folder (the folder that will be filled with source files)
- Destination is the source folder (where the files actually reside)
- This confused me the first time, but remember target is on the left (top), source is on the right (bottom) of the wizard/interface.
I'll give the disclaimer that they give- for advanced users only. I guess you can really screw things up, which is why this functionality is basically undocumented by Microsoft.
I hope this helps someone work easier with Windows 2003 and symlinks, err... junction points.
-Kevin Wentworth
Tags for Faking Symlinks on Windows 2003
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